Point Blank: Review

Some seven to eight years ago, among the playing generation of schoolchildren, the most global, priority and provocative issue was the dilemma of choice between Quake 3 Arena and Counter-Strike 1.6. The first was the embodiment of a quick-firing, hurricane and acidic mochilov with the obsessive use of Rocket Jumps. Amateur modification for Half-Life, on the contrary, had somewhat reduced compared to a man-made legend ID Software pace, and in her gameplay there was a place of minimalist tactics. To date, the popularity of these two network shooters has decreased markedly, e -sports no longer attracts as much money and attention as it was before. Say that Point Blank It will become a real successor of two legendary shooting cyberdisciplines, of course, we will not be able to under any circumstances – it only parasitizes quite well on past ideas.

Not at all like Counter-Strike

It would seem how to combine Quake 3 and Counter-Strike? Zepetto performs this complicated operation with a smile and grace of a mermaid Andersen. At the brainchild John Karmak Point Blank adopted forced dynamics and lightness, gameplay airiness. Everything else was created under the impression of the Contra. Division into terrorists and special forces, of course, is. Manipulations with the installation and clearance of the bomb are also present, automatic Kalashnikova in place. The developers did not fool around with art director: here you are, they say, dear users, “content”, but “terror”-we created the new Counter-Strike, it works on the online, so we ask for mercy.

To adapt Point Blank It leaves a maximum of five minutes. Indeed, three minutes after launch, you will confidently run along the level with an automatic machine at the ready and that there is urine to write messages in a common chat like a “right wing, two blue!”Or” Come on in the library on knives!”.

The interface is simple and convenient as possible – no difficulties should arise absolutely. In the so -called “dressing room” there is everything you only need: a store, inventory, a list of waiting players, a huge list of clans and other beneficial gizmos. An offensive “beak” came out with the choice of the character – there are two types of additional male skins and the same number of female (with mandatory thongs stretched to impossibility). Moreover, in both cases, the store will have to part with glasses to get the “skins” for temporary use.

Point Blank – Free, which means that developers intend to receive money from microtransactions of users. There are things in the store that can only be bought for real rubles and not for glasses – impenetrable helmets, gilded machines and unique skins that give a passive increase in experience. By the way, the same Golden AKM in no way differ from ordinary ones – only color and all. There is a wonderful function of trying on weapons and equipment elements for decisively tuned to fashionistas. Nope, this is not a shooting and not a check for a return-you just look at your fighter with some M4 and that’s it. Truly a very important and promising “useful”.

There are currently enough servers, as they say, back: fullness in the so-called prime time for Point Blank can reach a hundred percent.

But the most amazing thing is different-in this secondary game, where the external attributes of Counter-Strike are used as much as possible, this very “control” almost does not give. The weak memory of it can be entrusted with the “Destruction” and “Explosion” modes – we will talk about them a little later. But by common feelings Point Blank Reminds Unreal Tournament 2003, outwardly a good copying style of modification for Half-Life.

Without tactics

The first to feel frantic dynamics. The absence of an instant respuna and a relatively long reloading of the weapon here, oddly enough, are not obstacles. Taking into account even these significant limiters, gameplay video Point Blank From the side you can confuse with high-speed sprinking records of Counter-Strike matches. As a result – tactics begins to suffer from universal “acceleration”.

Indeed, on one map of small sizes, almost ten fighters on each side can converge – smoke, explosions, shots and sounds of falling grenades accompany everywhere and do not allow black Kemper to do even for the shortest time. Opponents from another team will surely smoke you from the most hidden corner, “treat” with a whole burst from the machine gun and will finish in case of special need for a series of dagger attacks on the kidneys.

At the moment in Point Blank There are four modes and a meager number of cards for them. A separate line is special combat conditions for each type of competition: for example, you can limit the affordable arsenal only with shotgun or pistols.

Well, now about the regimes themselves. Let’s start, as is adopted, with those that will be simpler. So, there is the easiest common team match. The disposition is simple and elementary: your team and enemy team, restrictions on the number of murders and in time. You can optionally force everyone to fight with the help of grenades or pistols alone. And so, in fact, the general match is an ordinary Rubilovo with his “thousand and one shot in a second”. Eight cards are allocated for this case – the figure is small, but it pleases at least the fact that the shootings are well -balanced and diverse zones. But do not flatter yourself, the acceptable design of the cards to conduct complex tactical feats does not inspire – you can put a good dozen fighters, even those who have freshly bored with rifles and helmets with a machine gun with sufficient luck and dexterity. After such pieces, it will be difficult to talk about a serious tactical component Point Blank – She is simply not here.

Game for “survival”, unlike the classic defmatcha, is divided into rounds. The main goal is to kill all members of the enemy team. This regime is sometimes exhausted by the fact that the two surviving rivals (one on each side) can be long and painfully hunting each other with pistols or knives. This is in the case when the cartridges for the rest of the weapon ended – this happens here too. Thanks to the “survival” online shooter from Zepetto Most begins to be like Counter-Strike. As for the cards, then their set is completely migrated from the regime of the command match – that is, there are eight again.

The “Destruction” is based on a set of primitive scenarios. As a rule, this means that one team protects its important object, but the warring one – its own. As such strategic points, a helicopter, power plant, or. Um. A kind of gigantic structure resembling a mechanical dog, an

elk, a bear – anything. The developers considered an interesting opportunity to arrange a match in the middle of a map, pulled out from Lineage 2.

From the outside, such experiments, as expected, look like small wildness. Imagine: the soldiers run in camouflages, throw grenades, yell a Soldier Nudyatin, and around the dragons fly, the portals take in their unexplored bowels of particularly brisk types, and in caravans (Hello, nomad!) Unrestrained camers are hiding. The wildness is exorbitant.

Well, finally, the classic of the genre is a mode with the installation of a bomb, aka “undermining”. Having decided not entirely in the impudent plagias of Counter-Strike, Zepetto added the opportunity to lay explosives to both teams. After that Point Blank finally rinses off traces of contact with the great “control” – the similarity ends on the appearance.

The joy of routine

We will also not forget that Point Blank – phenomenon of purely Korean origin. Although the localizers tried well with the translation (we are generally annoyed by these sugary-pathos “The beginning of the mission. “), But the influence of the Asian mentality on the approach to creating the game is felt. Most of all of all kinds of promotional ribbons, straps, tasks, pluses and other raisins from the loafs – Asians horror, how they love the exorbitant collecting of online things and achievements.

We are not going to dump in one pile of ideas of developers, so we will briefly talk about what main methods the user motivates. With the beginning of each new call in the soul of naive notes, you are given a list of simple tasks for completing. They should not cause special difficulties: as a rule, they ask to kill the enemy several times from one type of weapon, just throw a grenade, treat the enemies (in this case, the word is the whim of the author, but not our precious editor of the bone 🙂 (my whims are “spiteful”So Fail! – Approx. Drag. Ed. ò_ó)) a couple of exact headshot or see on the screen the encouraging inscription “Mass murder”. For the successful execution of instructions, awards are issued that promote you to receive a new title – almost like in the army. In addition, for approximate behavior, glasses are also charged, for which you can buy additional sets of missions that again give allowances and awards, glasses, etc.D. We ourselves would be confused. Let’s say only one thing-to get what the fan says, to bother for the sake of some ranks and medals at all. It’s just enough to be a well -aimed shooter with a good reaction.

At a certain point, you will be allowed to choose one of three specializations: sniper, soldier-engineer or attack aircraft. Pump your character until the highest mark and receive the appropriate supervings (“wild beast”, “silent killer” and so on) is necessary only if you are going to participate in tournaments with monetary prizes – at a higher level of development, the speed of reloading is reduced and opened upNew weapons. Living without these improvements is very simple. From the very beginning, we felt pretty well in a room with experienced players, but with basic weapons (two grenades, sniper rifles, a machine gun and a regular rifle) and the same equipment. To hell with tactics, long live the dexterity!

Point Blank, As you know, you can scold for infinitely for the secondaryness and primitiveness (which we did), for backward technical performance (we are again on top, yes), complain about a small number of cards, on a meager list of modes. But you need to understand for yourself a couple of important things. The first is that the game is absolutely free, and it can safely do without additional financial injections on your part. The second – with all its shortcomings Point Blank always collects a huge audience. Well, the third – this infection is delayed with all the indicated problems is incredible. How it turns out, we do not understand. You go to the lobby “for five minutes”, but after half an hour all this frivolous booth begins to incredibly deliver.

If you have enough short description Point Blank, Here it is: a game without fundamental and revolutionary ideas, an accelerated and simplified version of Counter-Strike, from which it is very difficult. As a product of the efforts of developers, it is absolutely mediocre. But how is the online shooter is surprisingly viable. For beer, as they say, it will do.

Pros: low “entry threshold”;Stable client of the game;Drawing gameplay.
Cons: secondaryness;small number of cards and modes;Poor balance.

Point Blank

The best comments

By the way, the Council for those who will start..At the very beginning, 40,000 are given for the purchase of weapons, do not waste, shoot standard and copy 60,000 to buy MP7 this is the most productive weapon in the game, you can earn a core for glasses.You can still perform missions, they give prizes for them: weapons are rushed for real money for free (but for a while) good luck

The game is wonderful. Donat is not needed at all. The weapon for real money is almost no different from the total analogues, except for the appearance and the buns not at all in the game, type "Damage is higher by 1" or "more experience with enemies". As for the number of cards-the author, do not forget that this is not a contrast, but an online player. Now, for example, the number of cards has increased in two, and is growing with each upgrade. There will also be new game modes soon. With ranks is certainly nonsense. You can go in at the very beginning and crumble masters from the launcher "By rank", This is especially true for those who played for a long time in the counter. Who doesn’t like it – go masturbate to play your counter or anreal tornament. For example, I: I didn’t like it – I had to wait for a long time until one or another server is loading, and then find out that the devil is going on in the game, which (especially infuriates the mode – they killed, and wait until the rest are playing). In general, the game for those who did not really like Counter Strike or Unreal Tournament, and God forbid, so that it has grown into e -sports discipline.

Point Blank? I went out. Link to the site in the hat is: http: // pointblank.ru/ release date of the game [Strong] March 19, 2008.[/Strong] Date of the release of the game in Russia [Strong] December 4, 2009.[/Strong]

[Strong] to: Singularity [/Strong] [quote] Gamal more damn cada, immediately after the opening of the server. Then he scored. Reasons: – moronic physics. In general, it is very similar to physics in COD [/quote] physics there is nothing – for the sake of a fan and you can tolerate. And why did the physicist COD not please you. [quote] but much worse, for it lags, that is, sometimes everything is normal, and sometimes they cut you off when you have already left behind the wall (and this is not a shot through the wall, namely some glitches). Most often this happens when they are chopped from sniper. In general, all physics lags there, and it is unstable that PPC, sometimes you cut everyone on the move, and then you don’t get into the head of Nifiga, although everything is in order with the aim and shoot short. Grends also work strangely. [/quote] "All physics lag there". Hah is burning. Really laughed. Thank you – laughed. This Internet lags, not "physics" (as I remember your comment – I fall under the table with laughter). Either the host lags with its Internet, or you with your. "Grands work strangely" oh I can’t. well, just with laughter on the floor I ride, here you are really a fucker. You would still say "Smoke somehow strangely smoke" or "The bomb is somehow not installed". [Strong] to: Stalker23 [/Strong] [quote] This is a slightly supplemented Source (my personal opinion) [/quote] you are healthy or as? What does it mean a little supplemented?! You first play in PB, and then leave the comments. These are completely different games, hemplex is certainly a little similar, but no more. [Strong] [/Strong]

[quote]"All physics lag there". Hah is burning. Really laughed. Thank you – laughed. This Internet lags, not "physics" (as I remember your comment – I fall under the table with laughter). Either the host lags with its Internet, or you with your. "Grands work strangely" oh I can’t. well, just with laughter on the floor I ride, here you are really a fucker. You would still say "Smoke somehow strangely smoke" or "The bomb is somehow not so installed". [/quote] Well, at the expense of NIT: I also thought so, but such lags were not only at that time (just a few friends dragged the gamy), so that. Yes, there were also problems with Ping and the rest there, and these are problems somewhere on the approaches to their servants or on the servants themselves, because everything else works with a bang, and even in jumping partially coinciding. Well, about physics and in general: well, for me there really is something somehow wrong, you can get used to it, but sometimes it got very strongly, so I scored. Still, I have been gaming for so long that every trifle that is somehow different from what I am used to (Q3, UT2K4, HL2: DM, F.E.A.R.,Cs: s) is already starting to really enrage. Right now, I slowly score on MP, it is better to process a photo of any thread or a movie to see. I’m only waiting for Black Prophecy, but this is already from the Space Action MMO genre.

Guys are wrong who says that the game is shit. I didn’t like it myself at first, but then I dragged on. I advise everyone, in it, unlike the Contra and T.p. there is an incentive and logical meaning.It is very difficult to earn titles even for pros, but how nice it is to go up a step higher. And as for the donates, then this is a personal matter for everyone, I don’t buy anything for real money, if there is skill, then no cheaters and donates are unstable.Learn to play guys. All the time on the Web, I earlier picked up Call of Dyti 4 and, in my personal opinion, these are the two most interesting and exciting online games today.

To: [Strong] ofis007 [/Strong] No, she is free2play but! To get the coolest guns, uniforms fork out and give your honestly earned to the evil terminal =)

To: [strong] andersen [/barns] [quote] is especially enraged by the mode – they killed, and wait until the rest are playing [/quote] yyy, neighing))) all who is not yet very good at hedgehogs, playing about it, playing, playing, playingin CS and other games with such a response) I also ached) The only thing is that CS is a hardcore game in which no one dies by stupidity, everything should be accurately calculated, as in life, and if they were praised, thenSo the enemy is really stronger, and you miscalculated. So wait for the next round. And then of course it is good to mow your offender immediately after the Republic, when you have a complete HP, and he has already chopped a dozen people, and he doesn’t have cartridges, not like hp. If you are constantly in CS, then either roll the sight normally, or choose the enemy by the power (this is about the clan-brow) or do not play games at all where the second decides everything (which you actually did). I do not play CS for a completely different reason – because I am a loner who is always on its own. And I like Solo meat, not a cammary calculation. In general, I don’t like to think a lot in games, this is already enough in real life, I just want to relax) But IMHO, PB is not suitable for this either, KillBox in HL2 – DM is more impressed with me

I started playing it when a Russian client just appeared. And here is my opinion: yes, at first the game was completely balanced and exciting, but then Innova decided: "That’s all, stop luring the players in our free pro -keh (evil grin) and it’s time to start making money". And came to the world of Point Blank the great and terrible "Donat". At first it was tolerant, there was only a couple of new guns, not very different in characteristics from the standard weapons, and indeed to any donation was "copy" For game glasses with a smaller number of damage, a cartridge, well, they also gave a helmet a little protecting from "Hedov". Well, then horror and imbalance began. New skins give a plus for experience, this is still tolerant, but the guns began to do well, very scary. Don-MKA was some kind of machine gun (a 40-cartridge store, a tangible difference in damage with a non-donate), new helmets. To bring them down, you need to shoot three times in the head, while the hp did not take away. And of course all sorts of buns (accelerated reloading, changing weapons, bombing rate/clearance. ) But this. As for me, the last nail in the cover of the coffin of Point and the cheaters scored. Oh yes. This pathos load Frost at the beginning of the game did not cause anything but a smile)) endless CP, Wallhack, Aimbot, well, in general, the full set. And then they began to simply mock Innova: they loaded new cards (generally did not fit in my head. ), Chiika even found some incredible skins and played with them (I saw on the same T-Rex card (the dinosaur is like that if anyone does not know). ). In general, my resume: the idea is not bad, the implementation too, but the perfect lack of protection against cheaters and the thirst for profit set off a huge number of players from the proctate. I myself just sold my account, which I advise you.

You are mistaken, about the KS for sure, it will never be out of place, and in the KSS grenades fly 40 meters 🙂 In general, Point Blank is an interesting game, but because of this, it is impossible to play, but you have to play 🙂

No, the game is very difficult to already be a general for 3 years. And with me 1 t.Sergeant, 2 ml.Sergeant, and 3 sergeants. I will tell you honestly not to read because I was a cheater at one time, at first I can even like it and then it is borne, you don’t feel the very buzz of the game and just learn how to play. Well, the game is the best that I played, it honestly adders, once I will meet a meeting so late, I thought it was 10-15 minutes, and it pulled for 2 hours. In short, the game is the best, vehicles of shooters of online shooters, etc.D. This is just an ideal for you. =)

not well, Counter-Strike is the best game of cyber sports, perhaps even Point Blank can take Counter-Strike in cyber sports, but it will not disappear from tournaments. Could you make a detailed report about Point Blank? It would just be interesting to look at what is there and what is there. I will be grateful in advance [b] kreeker [/b], well, yes, cheats are evil, you get used to them and do not realize that you become a noobb, so I don’t have a 2-year cheating without Wallhack and the game is the best in CS 1.6. By the way, the people, give the rally on the Point Blank 🙂 on the installer, otherwise I am looking for in Yandex, only empty boxes = (

In general, I do not quite agree with the assessment of the author. And the article contains some errors in the description of the gameplay. For example, both teams, as the author said) just a bomb is not one, but every theirorist cannot put a bomb. We go further – the weapon for the donat is not easy "Stupidly painted trunk" It has significant bonuses such as an enlarged clip or integrated muffler. But this does not give decisive superiority in the game. For example, now one of the best guns in the game is AUG A3, which is bought for the virtual. To the question of small maps. And you ran on new cards by observation post or explosion in the city? you can really get lost there) well, plus this game in the recent past was added to the great WCG family, which already indicates that it is properly accepted, appreciated and approved. They won’t spell on shit there) and the application is that to buy 3-4 guns you need to tremble for months, too, also does not have a real basis. For example, for two months of playing with a single infusion of 50 rubles, I bought almost half of the arsenal (exaggeration, I have only 11 murder guns)) and in conclusion – the game is cool and who against [s] go to the ass [/s] Those are wrong))

The game has been holding out without any problems and more than has been holding on for almost a year, and at the same time collects a huge audience. In the game itself, in my opinion, everything is wonderful (and the donat was always evil), both from the side of the gameplay and in the technical component (and what you wanted, a mega schedule in a network shooter?). What the hell “passage”? And the number of cards is a matter of time and updates. Like the number of equipment. And the modes are enough (in the contrait there is generally one, and nothing. )

Singularity, yyy, I’m waiting for too. The sight had sprouted, Hedshota is good, seconds on my side, I play only in the “Blood” mode (analogue of the Contra). =)

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